Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Seidr: The Norns & My Path

Seidr is magic from the old traditions of the Norse. As I am just beginning to learn about this tradition I won't try to boil it down here. I encourage you to look it up and find some way to experience it yourself.
I have only attended two High Seat ceremonies. The first in June (2013) the second in August. The first was dedicated to Freya. The second to the Norns. While my experience in June was good, I was more of an observer, and was feeling out the way energy moved in this tradition and space.  And I did return, so it can be assumed they left we with a good impression.
I had decided to ask a question myself as time approached the ceremony. I had an idea what my question was, but not how to ask it, but once the ceremony began the words became clear to me. What I received has already impacted me, and it has only been a few days.
I seek a Path, to finding forgiveness for myself instead of the destructive forces I use to push things away.

(Left) It’s first and foremost necessary that you know you can do this. You must know this.
(Center) You are working with ancient material. Be patient with yourself. This path also seeks you. It’s calling to you. It’s hunting you. Let yourself be the prized stag who claims love for yourself, for the mercy of forgiveness. Let grace nourish you.
(Center) Too long the hunter.
(Right) Be open to the moon, and not just the sun.
(Center) Seeking, Seeking, Seeking, Wild, Wild.
(Center) Let yourself be found. I see so many turns, so many eyes staring back that have looked everywhere. Perhaps you think you know what the path looks like, but you’ve never been on it.
(Left) Surrender and trust.
(Right) All paths have shadow.  All paths have struggle.  All paths have light. The moon, as well as the sun.
(Center)You are their torch. The only one who can burn for you, is you. Let this be a joyful thing.
(Center) Do not fear the unfamiliar. You embrace your ancient path because it is familiar.
(Center) You will make an altar. You will lay yourself upon it. You will invite her down. You will let her forgive you. The sacred moon. Silver. Amber. Burn copal. Clean.
(Center) Let yourself be hunted. Honor the hunt. Surrender.
(Left) It is a daily practice. Every morning. Align, Forgive. Align, Forgive.
(Center) It is a lifetime.
(Right) You are not alone. But you must act on your own at times.
(Center) Share with those you trust. To practice. They will have compassion, will understand. They will be willing for the work, but not the old ways. No one learns to dance in a day. You will stumble.
(Left) Align, Forgive.
(Right) The moon.
(Center) I see cobwebs. I see spider. How to weave. Become a fly.
(Left) You must know you can do this.
(Center) We can hear you. Hear us.
Orientation is based on the oracle's position relative to each other not me.
A lot of information there, and there are many ways to interpret the words, but as I was there, I can recall the tones and punctuation, which adds to it. This is an experience you have to be open to, and be willing to listen to. And I know I was ready to hear them.  The very next day I started to feel more certain, and I knew I would be able to do this.
During the healing work event I went to the next day,  a monthly Systemic Constellations workgroup from Healing Earth, I laid out my intent to connect more to the Stag, and learn how to surrender to the hunt. One of the things I love about constellations, especially with Healing Earth is I feel very confident in the facilitator and that makes it easier for me to both trust the sanctity of the circle and be open to allowing the work to happen through me. I asked, and I trusted, so I received.
Settling into to the work happened so quickly. I slipped into the role of Divine Masculinity with such ease. I had not realized that this was what was happening at first, but the potency of my position could not be doubted. I felt the virility and strength, the erect forcefulness of what I was almost immediately. There was more, though this is where I settled in as the work began. First in a trial (I call it a trial, the feeling out of energy really didn't have a name), and then as a certain and sure force for the seeker.
While I knew the purpose I served the seeker without question, and was able to stand in that for a long time, the clarity allowed me time to also feel what was in the role for me. After the event I was able to talk about the more personal aspects of the role for me with the facilitator, which helped me open myself more to the dreams and revelations that would follow the next day (see what came from those).

I love when the work shows itself so clearly. It doesn't make the work easier, but it does allow me more confidence stepping into it.

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